“A journey in music”, a project that brings together music with images.
Inspired by the concept of synesthesia.

Follow us https://www.ajourneyinmusic.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ajourneyinmusic
Umberto Ceccon: https://www.facebook.com/umberto.ceccon.guitarist/
Giuseppe Chiauzzi: https://www.facebook.com/GiuseppeChiauzziPhotography/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ajourneyinmusic
A synesthesia between music and photography.

Music: Umberto Ceccon
Photography: Giuseppe Chiauzzi
Jam Origin Midi Guitar
Logic Pro
Canon 6D

All photos and music are copyright of Ajourneyinmusic

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Giuseppe Chiauzzi

Photographer 1972 Play with colors to tell a story.

One thought on “Autumn Leaves

  1. Luis Pina 8 years ago

    Beautiful video. I really like the mountain shot on the end! Keep up with the good work!